SEC Commissioner Calls Watchdog’s Warning into Question

• French privacy regulator CNIL has launched an investigation into Worldcoin over its data collection and storage practices.
• The legality of Worldcoin’s data collection and storage is being questioned by the CNIL and its German counterpart.
• Worldcoin Foundation has stated that it complies with all applicable laws and regulations.

French Authorities Launch Probe Into Worldcoin

The French privacy regulator CNIL has initiated a probe into the controversial project Worldcoin over concerns that its data collection and storage practices may not be entirely legal. The CNIL is collaborating with its German counterpart, as the latter directly oversees the project as its primary European regulator. The watchdog told Reuters: “The legality of this collection seems questionable, as do the conditions for storing biometric data.” The project is also under investigation in the U.K. for similar reasons.

Data Collection Practices Questioned

French authorities are questioning the legality of Worldcoin’s data collection and storage practices, citing potential violations of privacy laws in both France and Germany where it is based. In particular, they have raised questions regarding biometric data collected through iris scan technology used by Worldcoin users to access their accounts.

WorldCoin Foundation Responds

In response to these questions, the WorldCoin Foundation released a statement stating that they are compliant with all applicable laws and regulations governing processing of personal information and that they take measures to ensure user privacy is protected at all times: “We understand our obligations when it comes to protecting our users’ private information, so we take great care to ensure that we comply with relevant laws in each country in which we operate.“

Investigations Continue

The investigations into WorldCoin’s data collection practices continue both in France and in the U.K., where regulators have raised similar questions about the legality of their operations from a privacy perspective. It remains unclear at this time what action will be taken if any violations are found or how long these investigations will last for until a conclusion is reached.


As more countries start to pay closer attention to digital currencies, regulators will likely continue to scrutinize projects like WorldCoin more closely going forward as part of their efforts to protect consumer rights online while ensuring compliance with local laws and regulations governing personal privacy protection